Heritage District, Boy Scouts of America
Heritage District, Hudson Valley Council, Boy Scouts of America announces our volunteer recognition
awards for 2013 to 2014. Please join us on Thursday May 1st at
Knights of Columbus, 18 Hallock St, Washingtonville
to honor our recipients of the District Award of Merit, Cub Scout Leader, Boy Scout Leader,
and Venturing Leader Awards. The recognition and awards dinner will begin at 6:00 PM.
Please register at the link below and join us for an evening of Fun and Fellowship.
HR-District Dinner

District Award of Merit
Greg Crisci
Wynn Elizabeth Kloski
Brad McCoy
Charter Organization Representative of the Year
Jay Domeseck T-45
Hidden Hero Award
Tara Cowart P-23
Danine Giorgianni P-327
Cub Scout Achievement Award
Tom Giorgianni P-327
Cubmaster of the Year
Bob Zamenick P-327
Pack Committee Chairman of the Year
Heather Pillsworth P-16
Pack Committee Member of the Year
Monica Stephan P-16
Tiger Leader of the Year
Regina DeFazio P-16
Webelos Leader of the Year
John Cross P-23
Den Leader of the Year
Robert Small P-717
Scoutmaster of the Year
Ed Howard T-28
Assistant Scoutmaster of the Year
Brian Tighe T-316
Troop Committee Chairman of the Year
Carolyn Brockway T-316
Troop Committee Member of the Year
Janet Speranza T-206
Boy Scout Achievement Award
Ron Prestia T-340
Venturing Crew Committee Chairman of the Year
T. Scot Brown C-135
Venturing Crew Committee Member of the Year
Dan Davis C-135
Spark Plug Awards
Mike Chanat T-340
Carl Heitmuller P-28
Gerry Calderwood T-28
Tanya Bray T-316
Laurisa Sampson T-316
Richard Zechini T-316
Dr. Hal Jones T-316
Michael Brockway T-316
Rachel Neff P-23
Richard Lyttle T-27
Sean McCue P-23
Nicola Torrez P-717
Kelley Zamenick P-327
Kevin McNeilly P-340
Jennifer Gillespi P-327
Frank Jones P-16
Tim Pillsworth P-16
Ross Topliff P-327
Sarah Andrews P-23
Laura Fuentes T-316
Dan Cooke T-28
Roberta Brown C-135
Mary Ellen Domesech C-135
Commissioner of the Year
Floyd Skakel
Lola Kusomoto
Please join us at the Heritage District Dinner on Thursday May 1st to honor the recipients of the 2014 District Awards. Ticket can be bought on line for $25.OO. To register for the event please go to the following link: