Advanced Training
Woodbadge is for all Scout leaders. It has been developed for Cub Scout, Boy Scout, and Venturing as well as council and district leaders. Its focus is on leadership, not out-of-door skills. Prerequisite: Leader Specific Training and Youth Protection Training. Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills (IOLS required for Scouts BSA Leaders only).
For more info contact: Mark Grogan EMAIL
Our Next Council Course Opportunity -
N2-374-20 Mark Grogan - Course Director
September 12-14 & October 17-18 2020
At Camp Nooteeming

Powder Horn
Is a training opportunity designed as an action-packed, hands on outdoor course to expose the Venturing and other Scouting adult leaders to the resources necessary to operate a successful unit-level high adventure program and support Venturing's Ranger Award program Prerequisites: Leader Specific Training and Youth Protection