Internet Advancement for Explorer Posts
Explorer Posts will continue to use Internet Advancement 1.0

For units already using ScoutBook, there is no need to use Internet Advancement.

Internet Advancement 2.0
Internet Advancement has now been replaced with Internet Advancement 2.0, previously referred to as ScoutBook Lite.
What are the differences in the new Internet Advancement?
Check out Bryan on Scouting
Access to Internet Advancement
The unit key 3 (charter organization representative, committee chair, unit leader), key 3 delegates, and unit advancement chair listed in Organization Security Manager (My.Scouting) will be able to enter the advancement updates. Every year after the recharter has been submitted and processed, one of the unit key 3 will need to go into Organization Security Manager to ensure that the unit key 3 are properly registered, and the unit advancement chair has been designated. To make such a delegation, see the guide here.
Users can access Internet Advancement at or from the Legacy Tools menu in
Learn more about Internet Advancement