Rechartering for packs, troops, teams, crews, and posts

Active 60 days prior to unit expiration date.
Rockland Charters Expire Dec. 31st | |
Heritage Charters Expire Jan. 31st | |
Dutchess Charters Expire Feb. 28th | |
Delaware River Charters Expire Mar. 31st | |
The system lets you enter new members, renew current members and update information for any registrant. When completed, the new unit roster is submitted to ScoutNet and a Unit Charter Renewal Report Package is printed. This package includes the unit charter application. Acquire the signatures for the application, attach applications and fees and take entire package to your district's "Recharter Turn-in Meeting". Additionally, anyone who wants to learn more about how Internet Rechartering works can take the interactive Internet Rechartering tutorial below and view the Online Help. Please note that you will need to have Internet Explorer 5.5 or better
to use this new Internet Rechartering feature.
How to Use
- Each unit must select an adult to be its renewal processor
- The Unit processor receives the unit ID that was included in the Charter Renewal packet that was distributed at the October/November Roundtable.
- The Internet Rechartering site is active 60 days prior to unit expiration date.
- Additional youth and adult applications must be submitted with the charter application.
- New adults must complete youth protection training, within 30 days of registering. Attach a copy of their Youth Protection Training certificate to their application.
- When the online process is completed, the renewal processor prints the completed charter renewal application and obtains the needed signatures.
- The unit leader and the Executive Officer (Institution Head) sign the charter renewal application. Bring the application along with the material you received in your recharter packet (such as the Journey To Excellence Worksheet and Unit Accident & Sickness Insurance Plan), and all appropriate fees to your district's charter turn-in meeting.
- Check with your district executive or commissioner for your district Charter Turn in date and location.
Why is a Charter Renewed Annually?
Charters are issued for a period of 1 year; hence, chartered organizations must submit an application to the Council annually to renew its charter. The requirement to renew a charter: Fosters a formal, timely plan for regular dialogue between charter organization and BSA, and assures membership is current so Scouts can participate in Scouting activities and advance in rank.
Youth Protection Training – an absolute must!
Registered leaders take Youth Protection Training (YPT) every two years. If a volunteer’s YPT is not current at charter renewal, or if it expires any time during the charter renewal process, the volunteer cannot be registered. Units should not wait until it is time to renew the unit’s charter to make sure all YPT is current. Urge leaders to renew their YPT before it expires. Unit Key 3s must review their unit’s YPT status. Have all adults with expired YPT or YPT that will expire during charter renewal go to and take the training before starting the charter renewal process!
Top Leader Training requirement
Cubmasters, Scoutmasters & Crew advisors must be fully trained for their position to recharter.
Privacy Policy
Charter renewal involves confidential and/or private information and accepting the responsibility for maintaining the privacy and confidentiality of that information. Private and/or confidential information must never be shared outside of the Boy Scouts of America. If you cannot accept this responsibility, you must notify your unit’s committee chair and withdraw from viewing or working with these documents.
Incomplete Applications/Submissions
If a unit has even one missing or incomplete application during charter renewal, it delays registration for all the adult and youth members in the unit. Incomplete adult/youth applications account for eight out of ten defective charter renewal applications.
New Adult Applications must be accompanied by a Youth Protection Training Certificate, and a signed Disclosure/ Authorization Form and certificate and clearances (if you reside in the state of Pennsylvania).
Contact us: If you have any questions about recharter please contact your unit commissioner, district commissioner or district executive Contact Us