Be Prepared for Emergencies: BSA, ECSI Sign National Training Agreement
e prepared! The Emergency Care & Safety Institute (ECSI) and the Boy Scouts of America
both understand the importance of developing the skills necessary to be prepared for
emergencies. A new training agreement has established the Hudson Valley Council as an
ECSI Education Center, and will assist the Hudson Valley Council in developing instructor
trainers and instructors. This program will offer our Council another option for training your
Scouts, staff, and volunteers in First Aid, CPR/AED, and Wilderness First Aid (WFA).
In addition, ECSI has made it easy for any group (such as a pack, troop, or crew) to become
its own education center through an expedited process. To become an education center,
simply apply online, and soon you will be on your way to providing CPR/AED, First Aid, and
WFA courses. There are no fees involved in becoming an education center, nor are there any
annual fees for instructors.
The agreement offers both student and instructor materials at a reduced fee to help increase participation in any of the emergency-care courses available. Current instructors are offered reciprocity with ECSI if they are currently teaching CPR, First Aid, or WFA with another provider and can demonstrate competency. For current providers who would like to become instructors, a process is available through ECSI.
Sign-Up to Become an ECSI Instructor for Hudson Valley Council
The process of becoming a new Instructor with ECSI is easy. As the Hudson Valley Council has been approved as an Education Center, additional individuals may apply to teach for that Education Center. There are two ways to become an ECSI instructor:
Option 1: Ask for instructor reciprocity.
If you already have adequate content knowledge in the course(s) that you would like to teach (for example, first aid or CPR) and can also demonstrate adequate teaching experience (for example, you are an instructor from another nationally recognized training organization), you may request instructor reciprocity and complete an ECSI Instructor application here.
Option 2: Complete an Instructor Development Course.
If you have little or no teaching experience but would like to learn how to train others to perform life-saving skills, like First Aid and CPR, you can participate in an ECSI Instructor Development Course (IDC). This course covers topics such as teaching methodologies, complying with ECSI policies and procedures, following course objectives, and conducting skills practice sessions. The IDC is administered by authorized ECSI Instructor-Trainers.
Complete the ECSI Instructor application now to get started. If you have any questions about the application or sign-up process, please contact the ECSI Membership Office at 1-800-716-7264. If you have any other questions, please contact Tom Florio at thomf007@aol.com.