Basic Training
Every leader must have the following 2 Trainings to be considered a "trained" leader:
Youth Protection
Youth Protection Training accomplishes the following objectives: Informs leaders and parents of BSAs Youth Protection policies and materials, including It Happened to Me, a video for Cub Scout-age boys and their parents, and A Time to Tell, a video for Boy Scout age boys. Increases the protection of children by discussing the procedures for prompt reporting of suspected abuse. Enables Scouting's leaders and parents to recognize indicators of abuse. Youth Protection Training can be completed on-line at
Leader Specific
This is a position specific training given for the Cub Scout, Boy Scout, and Venturing program. Please select the program you are involved in from the drop down menu, to learn more about the Leader Specific Training in the area you are serving in as an Adult Leader.
This Is Scouting - (NOT REQUIRED)
This course has been redeveloped by the national office, it is formerly known as NLE (or New Leader's Essentials). This course is a brief introduction to the Scouting program and should be taken by any NEW leader. It can be taken online at:
Fast Start - (NOT REQUIRED)
This is the first step in training and it covers the organization of a pack or a troop. Participants may choose to take the course by an interactive web based program or by video at home. Fast Start training can be completed online at
A monthly training which is held in each district. Each Roundtable has a Cub Scout and Boy Scout Leader session. It is also a great way to keep informed about upcoming district and council activities which a leader and his/her den/pack/troop/crew can participate in.
Adult Recognition