Hudson Valley Council Coronavirus UpdatesWhat's closed or postponed? As of 11/1/2020: Please check back here to hudsonvalleyscouting.org/coronavirus for updates and like us on Facebook for further updates. The Hudson Valley Council Staff will continue to work remotely and from the office, you can find our contact information here. You can continue to mail important paperwork and payments to the office. Please scan and email all Eagle Scout applications to Donna Helt: donna.helt@scouting.org Questions & Answers for Cub Scouts/Scouts BSA/Venturing/Sea Scouting Advancement during the Coronavirus You can find National BSA Coronavirus FAQ here Visit our Scouting At Home page for ideas on what Scouting activities you can do from home. 
Stay up to date on Coronavirus in your community:Center for Disease Control New York State Coronavirus Website Pennsylvania Commonwealth Coronavirus Website Dutchess County Coronavirus Website Orange County Coronavirus Website Pike County Coronavirus Website Rockland County Coronavirus Website Sullivan County Coronavirus Website Talking to Your Child About the Coronavirus: The Washington Post recently published an article titles, "Help enhance kids' sense of control amid Corona virus concerns" (March 7th, 2020) In it, it talks about nine different things that you can do or speak to your child about the situation. Doing these nine things can empower your child by giving them a sense of control and teaches them how they can help others.
June 5th, 2020Dear Hudson Valley Council Families, As New York State and the Hudson Valley Region slowly opens through the different phases we are in constant contact with the local authorities on how and when to open up our Council Service Center, Scout Shop and Council Camps. We will let you know when the Council Service Center, Hudson Valley Scout Shop, and our Camps can open when we know we can do so safely and legally. Scouting still continues and the Hudson Valley Council Staff is working remotely. Units that would like to order advancement please follow these steps: Steps for advancement orders. https://www.scoutshop.org/covid19 1. Unit Leader will email in the Advancement report to NDCSupply.Orders@Scouting.org 2. Please include contact phone number in the email so that the Customer Service team member can contact for payment, copy of the purchase order, the council name, any special items not listed in the purchase order (parent pins, cyber chip recharge pins, pocket certificates for rank, adventures, whittling chip, cyber chip, etc). 3. Customer Service Rep will contact Unit Leader for credit card information, ship to and bill to address, and verify the correct Council along with the actual advancement needed. 4. Customer Service team will send via Fed Ex all original reports to the Council’s Registrar once a week. If you require advancement materials or products and have questions, please call Customer Service at 800-323-0736, Monday through Friday, between 8 am and 7 pm EST. For guidance on whether or not your unit can have in-person meetings a unit must: • Have approval from the chartering organization • Follow the local rules and regulations regarding limits of non-essential gatherings. (Currently NYS limits non-essential gatherings of fewer than 10 - 6/5/20) • Always wear face coverings and follow all social distance guidelines Please continue to utilize our virtual Scouting programs: • Ideas for Scouting at Home activities: Hudsonvalleyscouting.org/scoutingathome • Cub Scout or Scouts BSA Virtual Summer Camp, “Camp in a Box!”: hudsonvalleyscouting.org/campinabox • Virtual Merit Badge Program: hudsonvalleyscouting.org/virtualmb Yours in Scouting, Bill Poole Council President Ben Mills Council Vice President Gregg Dick Council Commissioner David Horton Scout Executive
May 12th, 2020Following NYS Pause, the Hudson Valley Council Office, Scout Shop, Camps Bullowa, and Nooteeming will remained closed through June 7th, 2020.
May 10th, 2020Dear Hudson Valley Scouting Families & Volunteers: Summer camp is the highlight of the Scouting year. Key volunteers across several council committees, along with the summer camp and council leadership teams, have spent a tremendous amount of time and effort monitoring updates and projections by several government, Scouting, and camping organizations from the local to national levels. Our goal is to find a way to conduct our summer programs at Camps Bullowa and Nooteeming in a manner that will keep our Scouts, leaders, and staff members safe. We have come to the difficult decision to cancel all in-person summer camp operations for 2020. This decision was not arrived at lightly, but it is aligned with and supports the council’s ongoing commitment to the safety of our Scouts, leaders, and staff above all else. Knowing how important an outdoor experience is to our youth, we will continue to monitor state and local guidance with the hope of being able to offer small-group gatherings later in the summer. We are excited to announce that while we are not able to meet in person this summer, we will bring summer camp to you. Our Outdoor Program team has developed “Camp In A Box” where Cub Scouts and Scouts BSA members can experience a summer camp program at home. This will include activities for the week, merchandise, and more, PLUS merit badges, advancement, virtual campfires, video demonstrations and guest speakers! (and more!). We want to thank Scouters Kim Gifford & Dan Decker for their dedication and energy, the Camp Staff hired for Bullowa and Nooteeming, and Izak Breslauer for his tireless work. We are already preparing for Summer Camp in 2021, ready to deliver the best Cub Scout and Scouts BSA Day Camp Program at Camp Bullowa and the grand opening of Cub Scout Resident Camp at Camp Nooteeming. Stay home. Stay Safe. Scout On. Yours in Scouting, Michael Caporlingua Council Vice President of Camping Jon Whitaker Council Program Director
April 21st, 2020Following New York State PAUSE, the Hudson Valley Council Office & Scout Shop will remain closed until at least May 30th. Per local Health Department orders, both Camps Bullowa and Nooteeming will remain closed until May 30th.
April 9th, 2020Following New York State PAUSE, the Hudson Valley Council Office & Scout Shop will remain closed until at least April 29th. Per local Health Department orders, both Camps Bullowa and Nooteeming will remain closed until May 30th.
March 30th, 2020Governor Cuomo has directed the state nonessential workforce to continue to work from home for an additional two weeks through April 15th. The Hudson Valley Council Office, Scout Shop, Camps Bullowa and Nooteeming will remain closed through April 15th. Please continue to check hudsonvalleyscouting.org/coronavirus for the latest updates and visit hudsonvalleyscouting.org/scoutingathome for Scouting at home activities. Stay safe, stay healthy and always remember:
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available.
- Cough into a tissue or your elbow (not your hand). Then throw the tissue away and wash your hands.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands.
- Avoid contact with people who are sick. Do not attend Scouting activities when you are sick.
- Stay home when you are sick, with temperature above 100.0º F (38.7º C) or do not feel well, appear weak or ill
- Consult your health care provider if you have special health conditions that put you at increased risk.
March 18th, 2020To: All BSA Volunteers and Employees To our Scouting community, In Scouting, we vow to help other people at all times. Now, in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, our Scouting community must do its part to slow the spread of the virus, which will save lives and avoid overwhelming our local healthcare infrastructure. The safety of Scouts, volunteers, employees and our communities is our top priority. With safety in mind and based on guidance from national health officials, the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) is strongly advising that in-person meetings, activities, events and gatherings of 10 or more people be suspended through the end of March. Please also follow any restrictions outlined by your state and local health department or other state and local authorities. This applies to youth and adults out of an abundance of caution. In accordance with national guidelines, please focus on the following through the end of March: - Avoid in-person gatherings; instead, utilize available digital and online resources, such as video conferencing, to continue Scouting meetings, projects and advancement, adhering to the current youth protection guidelines already in place for digital communications.
- If you must meet, limit participants to fewer than 10 people and remain at least six feet apart.
- Follow BSA blogs and social channels, as well as #ScoutingAtHome, for great examples and ideas of how to continue Scouting.
- If you or any member of your family feel sick, DO NOT go into the office or attend any gatherings. Contact your health professional to get care and notify your supervisor so they can take the appropriate measures while you focus on recuperating.
We will continue to evaluate the ongoing situation and prioritize the safety of everyone involved in Scouting – youth, families, volunteers, employees and our communities – is our number one priority. We realize these decisions are not without their challenges, and we thank you for helping meet the needs of our communities in difficult times. The steps we are taking reinforce the many ways – big and small – that Scouting empowers character and leadership today and for generations to come. Yours in Scouting, Roger C. Mosby President and CEO Boy Scouts of America
March 16th, 2020Hudson Valley Council Families & Volunteers: Your safety and the safety of all our members, volunteers, employees, and their families is our top priority. Please know we are monitoring developments regarding the coronavirus (COVID-19) both locally with our county health departments and through the Centers for Disease Control. The Hudson Valley Council Service Center & Scout Shop will be closed effective immediately until March 31st, 2020. As always please remember: - Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available.
- Cough into a tissue or your elbow (not your hand). Then throw the tissue away and wash your hands.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands.
- Avoid contact with people who are sick. Do not attend Scouting activities when you are sick.
- Stay home when you are sick, with temperature above 100.0º F (38.7º C) or do not feel well, appear weak or ill
- Consult your health care provider if you have special health conditions that put you at increased risk.
March 13th, 2020Merit Badge College has been postponed The Hudson Valley Council is responding to concerns for the Coronavirus (COVID-19). This message is to inform you that this year’s Merit Badge College has been postponed, due to concerns about the CORVID-19 coronavirus. The safety of attendees, volunteers and staff always comes first. We are in contact with the Department of Health, and local Healthcare officials and are doing our part in trying to limit the spread of the virus. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and look forward to seeing you when at Merit Badge College, we will inform you of the rescheduled date within the next 10 days. If you are unable to attend on the new date, you will have 30 days from when we notify you of the new date to request a refund, this will enable us to open the spot for another scout if you’re not able to attend. You need to email donna.helt@scouting.org and state “unable to attend – need refund”. PLEASE WAIT TO REQUEST A REFUND UNTIL WE ANNOUNCE THE NEW DATE.
After 30 days, we will assume you are able to attend and no further refunds will be issued. If you do request a refund, you’ll receive an email to confirm your refund has been issued.
For additional questions, please contact us: hvcmbc2020@gmail.com Thank you for your understanding. Sharon Regan Masciovecchio Merit Badge College President David Horton Scout Executive Hudson Valley Council
March 10th, 2020Dear Hudson Valley Scouting Families & Volunteers: The Hudson Valley Council is responding to concerns for the Coronavirus (COVID-19). We are in contact with the Department of Health, and local Healthcare officials. We are doing our part in trying to limit the spread of the virus. Effective immediately, March 10, 2020, we are postponing or cancelling large gatherings at Council activities, District activities, and certain Camping activities for the months of March and April 2020. This includes: - District Roundtables (cancelled)
- Merit Badge College (postponed to the fall)
- Annual Council Recognition Dinner (postponed)
- Camp Bullowa & Nooteeming Open Houses (postponed)
- District Pinewood Derbies & Events (postponed or cancelled, check with your District Executive)
- Wood Badge Beading Ceremonies (postponed)
As we learn more information from Government Agencies, we will keep you updated. Your unit is under the auspices of your Chartering Organization. Please check directly with your Chartering Organization regarding your planned unit activities during the months of March & April. As you continue your local Troop and Pack activities, it is important to follow all the steps recommended by the CDC (see https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/downloads/2019-ncov-factsheet.pdf). The same simple steps that prevent the spread of ordinary flu viruses work against coronavirus and other illnesses: - Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available.
- Cough into a tissue or your elbow (not your hand). Then throw the tissue away and wash your hands.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands.
- Avoid contact with people who are sick. Do not attend Scouting activities when you are sick.
- Stay home when you are sick, with temperature above 100.0º F (38.7º C) or do not feel well, appear weak or ill
- Consult your health care provider if you have special health conditions that put you at increased risk.
Please stay up to date with CDC & local Health Department guidelines as they may change rapidly in the future. Check back to the Hudson Valley Council website regularly for more information: hudsonvalleyscouting.org. Yours in Scouting, Bill Poole, Council President Gregg Dick, Council Commissioner Ben Mills, Council Vice-President David Horton, Scout Executive |