Advancement During COVID-19
National Statement on COVID-19
BSA COVID-19 FAQ - The FAQ is updated frequently - please check back for the latest news
Advancement during COVID-19: Official details about Eagle extensions and more
In order to submit an application for a COVID-19 Eagle Extension, as outlined in the FAQ, email the following information to: -
Must be received by December 31, 2020
- A Request for Extension of Time to Earn Eagle Scout Rank - - Please complete the Candidate Information section at the top, the Brief Summary of Circumstances, and the Unit Leader and Parent information at the bottom
- A statement regarding what is being delayed due to the virus - project and/or merit badges and which merit badges specifically
- A digital copy of the scout's Eagle Project Workbook, as it currently stands
Scouting at Home
Merit Badges for social distancing: 58 badges scouts can complete at home
Fun projects for kids that you can do from home
Good turns during the coronavirus: Acts of Scouting service you can do from home
Scouting Show & Tell: Scouting remotely
How to conduct a board of review through videoconferencing
Click here for Youth Protection Training Information
Click here for National BSA 2019 Guide to Advancement
Click here for National BSA Advancement News Archives
Detailed Advancement Resources: To obtain details on the many advancement resources and special opportunities offered to scouts, use this link that will bring you to that particular section of the National BSA Web site: Scouts BSA Advancement and Awards and Cub Scout Advancement Trail
The current Eagle Scout Project Work Book is dated January 2019 on the front cover. The current Eagle Scout Rank Application is dated "January 2020 Printing" in the lower right corner of page 2. Scouts must use the latest version. Both are fillable PDF's, and should be completed on line. View the Eagle Scout section of the web site for further details.
Merit Badges Updates
Keep up with the latest program updates

Looking for information on Eagle Scouts, Internet Advancement, or other Special Awards and Recognitions? Please refer to the tabs on the left side of this page.
Eagle Scout Rank Credentials
Reprint requests for Eagle Scout credentials should be directed to the National Distribution Center’s customer service line at 1-800-323-0732
, extensions 458 or 488, or Questions regarding Eagle Scout rank credentials, reprints, duplicate requests, and corrections should also be directed to National Distribution Center customer service.
Cub Scouting: Updates
Scout Me In
Now open to all youth in Grades K - 5.
Cub Scout Program.
Venturing Program
The new vision for Venturing uses youth-led adventures and a simplified program model to provide a means of developing leadership skills, reinforcing the value of service to others, and creating opportunities for personal growth in line with the Scout Oath and Scout Law.
Venturing Program Overview
Council Advancement Committee
Do you have more questions about procedures? Contact the Council Committee. For more local questions, listed below are the names of the Advancement Chairs, Eagle Scout coordinators and Merit Badge Coordinators in each of the 4 districts within our council.
Council Advancement Committee
Delaware River District - Advancement Committee
Dutchess District - Advancement Committee
Heritage District - Advancement Committee
Rockland District - Advancement Committee