Hudson Valley Council
With schools closed for an extended period of time, Scouts and families will be looking for educational and fun activities. This is a great opportunity to review the Scouting program and work on advancement and various badges. Please remember, any electronic communication involving a youth member must adhere to the BSA's Youth Protection Policies.
Visit hudsonvalleyscouting.org/coronavirus for the most up to date Council information.

Please email Jon Whitaker, Council Program Director, if you have any Scouting at home activities that we can share here on this page: jon.whitaker@scouting.org
How do you do Scouting remotely?
One year of free Boys' Life, download today!
Earn the Cyber Chip
Break Time Activity Ideas
Questions & Answers for Cub Scouts/Scouts BSA/Venturing/Sea Scouts Advancement during the Coronavirus
National BSA Resources on Scouting at home
NOVA Coronavirus Bonus Patch Program

Cub Scouts - Grades K-5
Sign up for Hudson Valley Council virtual den meetings!
Most Den Meetings are being offered at two different times (During and after business hours) in order to accommodate limited home computer access. Click on the blue highlighted times below to register.
After you register, you will be sent a Zoom meeting invitation.
Virtual Den Meeting Schedule:
Tiger Scouts:
Wolf Scouts:
Bear Scouts:
- Bear Picnic Basket: One Session Only May 7th 2PM Special Instructor: Nicole NACHO Parisi
- Paws For Action: On Session Only May 9th Special Guest Instructor: NYS Trooper Murray w/ K9 Stuew Please note that there is a 30 Day requirement in this Adventure.
- Webelos First Responder: May 7th 12:30pm OR 6PM-7PM Special Instructor: Tim HAWKEYE Pearce
- Webelos Stronger, Faster, Higher May 14th 11AM - 12PM OR 6PM - 7PM
- Webelos: Aware and Care May 12th One Session at 6PM
Activity Instruction:
NOVA Awards to do at home
*New* - Protect Yourself Rules Preview Adventure
Families can utilize these age appropriate 30 day challenges
"Fun projects for Scouts you can do from home"
"Acts of Scouting service you can do from home"
Outdoor Code & Leave No Trace Activity
The Importance of Handwashing - A Scout is Clean!
"Motor Away"
"Games Tigers Play"
"Getting Knots Squared Away"
Virtual Field Trips
Scouts BSA - Grades 6 - 12
30 Day Scouts BSA Challenge
Scout Rank 30 Day Challenge
Tenderfoot 30 Day Challenge
Second Class 30 Day Challenge
First Class 30 Day Challenge
Merit Badge 30 Day Challenge

Find online merit badge requirements and workbooks here.
Advancements with no requirements required outside of home:
- American Business
- Animation
- Basketry
- Collections
- Electricity
- Electronics
- Energy
- Entrepreneurship
- Family Life
- Fingerprinting
- Genealogy
- Home Repairs
- Model Design and Building
- Nature
- Painting
- Personal Fitness (requires MD visit but yearly physical would cover this)
- Personal Management
- Photography – but shots might be limited
- Plumbing
- Programming
- Reptile and Amphibian Study
- Wood Carving
May be completed with no outside requirements depending on options chosen:
- American Heritage – #2 Choose 2 options if you choose 2c it could be done over the phone, skype, or family members you can visit. #4 choose 2 options a & c could be done by online research if you choose 4b avoid visit or see if there are virtual tours available. 4d would have to be done at a later date, 4e would have to be done at a later date
- Animal Science – depending on what type of farm visit you do it might have to occur at a later date, The Avian option has a option to do this through videos
- Archaeology – #7 choose 2 if you choose option A you will need to do at a later date, #8 choose 1 option A will have to be set for a future date, #9 choose 1 option A will have to be done at a later date
- Astronomy – #8 all options would have to be done at a future date
- Bird Study – If you have a variety of birds in your neighborhood/yard. #8 choose 1 option A would have to be at a later date
- Chemistry – #7 Choose 1 Option A, C, D would have to be at a later date
- Citizenship in the World – #7 choose 2 option c could be done online through email/skype etc, option d & e would have to be done at a later date
- Coin collecting – #10 choose 1 option d is the only one what can be done without being in the community, also might be hard to get all the coins needed if not going into the community but is possible
- Digital Technologies – #8 do two options d&c would have to be done at later date, #9 do one option b would have to be done at later date
- Drafting – #6 choose 1 option A would have to be done at a later date
- Emergency Preparedness – #7 work with councilor to figure out how to complete
- Leather work – #5 choose 1 option d would have to be done at a later date
- Movie making – #3 choose 1 option 1 would have to occur at a later date
- Nuclear Science – #3 choose 1 option A would have to be done at later date, #4 choose 2 option D would have to be done at a later date, #5 Choose 1 option c would have to be done at a later date
- Pets – #4 A & B might have to be done at a later date
- Pulp and Paper – #7 choose 1 all options besides e would have to be done at a later date
- Railroading – #8 choose 1 option A could be done without outside exposure option b would require at least part to be done at a later date
- Reading – #4 could read to younger children if family, read to those listed over skype, or other method, record your own books/magazines and send to those listed, or can be done at a later time, check with your counselor on how you can meet this requirement
- Robotics – #6 choose 1 option A would have to be done later
- Safety – #4 would have to use photos or other options to complete or do at later date, #6 project should be home or talk with counselor about possible other locations that would be safe
- Sculpture – #2 choose 2 option c would have to be done later or possibly online tour
- Soil and Water Conservation – #7 Choose 2 option a would have to be done at later date
- Stamp Collecting – #7 choose 2 option b would have to be done at a later time
- Sustainability – Several options can include community but could be done without community
- Textile – #3 choose 2 option A would have to be done at a later date
Depending on counselor outside requirement might be acceptable to be completed as on online virtual tour:
- Art – #6 will have to be done at a later date or check with counselor about an online tour
Has a requirement that would have to he completed once safe to join community events:
- American Labor – #2 would have to be done at a later date
- Bugling – could learn skills needed and then serve once meeting resume
- Composite materials – Work with councilor on how to set date and time for projects
- Cooking – camping and trail section to be done at a later date
- Dog care – #8 would have to be done at a later date
- Fire Safety – #10 B & C could possibly be done from home or at a future camp out, #11 would have to be done at a later date
- Gardening – #5 would have to done at a later date
- Medicine – #7 Should be done when threat of exposure to illnesses are at a minimum
- Public Health – #5 would have to be done at a later date
- Radio – #7 would have to be done at a later date, also might be had/expensive if family doesn’t have the equipment need
- Signs, Signals, and Code – #7 would have to be done at a later date
- Soil and Water Conservation – #7 would have to be done at a later date
- Weather – #9 choose 1 option b would have to be done at a later time, #10 would have to be done at a later date
Activity Videos
Doodles - Animation Merit Badge
Draw Every Day - Art Merit Badge
Learn to Splice - Pioneering Merit Badge
Cook a meal for your family - Cooking Merit Badge
The Water Cycle - Weather & Environmental Science Merit Badge
Plan & Analyze Four Games - Game Design Merit Badge
Reinforce a Frame - Home Repairs Merit Badge
Conduct a Home Inspection - Home Repairs Merit Badge
Mime a Story - Theater Merit Badge