Wood Badge Course will not take Place in 2020 due to the complications of the COVID19 Pandemic.
New Dates will be announced soon, but will mirror the 2020 schedule of the two course weekends.

Wood Badge Course N2-374-20
"Wood Badge is the BSA's mountain top training experience that gives you the leadership tools to better work with other people. It will help you in your Scouting job, your work job, and your family life."
Bill Rave - HVC Assistant Commissioner
Woodbadge was such a brilliant experience for me, it increased my knowledge of Scouting and how units are supposed to run, grow and lead. I was able learn and experience things that will stay with me for the rest of my life. It also gave me new connections & friendships, some people I knew before, some I did not, and from Woodbadge these amazing people will always be in my life for support, guidance, sharing and FUN! - Sharon Masciovecchio

"Every Scout deserves a trained leader!" Scouts across Hudson Valley Council

Wood Badge Course Brochure
Wood Badge Testimonial Page
Register Here for Wood Badge Course N2-374-20
Questions or Concerns? Email Mark Grogan