About Camp Bullowa
Camp Bullowa is located in Stony Point NY, camp celebrated its 70th anniversary in 2017. Nestled in the northern corner of Rockland County, the camp’s 300 acres of fields and trails serve local youth through programs such as Cub Scout Day Camp, Scout BSA activities, cabin and campsite rentals, rifle range, archery range, as well as fishing and boating on Lake Boyce. Other resources include the Training Center and the Hudson Valley Council’s Scouting Museum.
The property is overseen by Camp Ranger Joe Langdon and the camp is available for use year round by Scout units, as well as outside groups.
Do you have a special skill such as carpentry, electrical, welding, or just plain ‘ole elbow grease? We are always in need of volunteers who can help us maintain the camps year round. If you are interested in helping, please contact Vice President of Properties Michael Caporlingua at mpcaporlingua@gmail.com to lend a hand.
If you are a unit in camp looking for a service project, please notify the Camp Master or Ranger Joe will be glad to put you to work!
The History of Camp Bullowa
The founding date of Camp Bullowa has been selected as September 12, 1947. This was the date that the DeBaun Lake Properties were purchased by the Rockland county Council, B.S.A. The history of Camp Bullowa begins on that date and continues through the years, not only with the camping by scouts, but also with the decisions and action of the various Council Committees trying to provide excellent camping facilities for the scouts.
Click here to read the entire Bullowa Story
Camping at Bullowa Information
Camp Site Map Click Here
Camp Site Photos click here
Click here to Reserve your cabin or campsite
Click here for Camp Bullowa Outdoor Facilities,Cabin/Campsite Occupancy and Rental Fees
Click Here to view the Hudson Valley Council Camp Rules
A weekend is defined as 5:00 PM on Friday until Noon on Sunday
Cleaning Surcharge
There will be a $25.00 cleaning charge assessed (at the Ranger's discretion) when necessary.
Camp Holiday Schedule:
The Hudson Valley Council believes that an active outdoor component is a valuable tool for the aims and methods of the Scouting program. To that end, Camp Bullowa and Nooteeming are available year-round for use by scout units and outside groups for their programs. This includes three-day holiday weekends, even if the Council Service Center is closed. If no reservations are received two weeks before the holiday, the Hudson Valley Council will close the camps for the three-day weekend.
The camps will be closed on the following dates:
- Christmas Eve and Day
- New Years Eve and January 1st
- Thanksgiving Weekend
- Easter Weekend
- Summer Camp season (3rd week of June to close of summer camp session(s)
A-Field and B-Field:
No parking of vehicles or trailers is permitted on A-Field or B-Field at any time. Units and Unit Leaders who fail to following this policy will be subject to a fine by the Council Properties Committee for repair of any damage to the field. These sites are premier camping areas for our units and are not be used as parking areas. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
Directions to Camp Bullowa
15 Franck Rd, Stony Point NY, 10980 - Phone 845-429-7648
From Palisades Parkway: Take Exit 15 onto County Rte 106, head east towards Stony Point. Go approx 1.8 miles and make a Left onto County Route 47 N (Reservoir Road). Go approximately 1/2 mile to stop sign (Junction with Rte 108) & take hard Left onto Rte 108 (also known as West Main St.). Follow Rte 108 road approx 4/10 of a mile to intersection with Rt 65 (you will see Road closed/construction to your left at this intersection). Turn right and go about 1/10 of mile and bear right onto Rte 112 (Wayne Ave.) Follow Rte 112 to 4-way stop sign intersection. Turn left at 4-way stop intersection onto Franck Road, take first right through Camp Bullowa Gateway.
(Commercial vehicles, trucks and trailers are not allowed on the Palisades Parkway. Please call for alternate directions.)
From 9W going South: Turn Right onto Wayne Ave. (Rte 112), just past Cove Deli & a Gulf gas station; turn Right onto Franck Road at 4-way stop intersection, take first Right through Camp Bullowa Gateway.
From 9W going North: Turn Left onto Wayne Ave. (Rte 112) just before Gulf gas station; turn Right onto Franck Road at 4-way stop intersection, take first Right through Camp Bullowa Gateway.
Severe Tick Warning: There may be an abundance of ticks and more of them will be carrying Lyme Disease. Please remember if you are hiking the trails of camp to make sure you wear long pants and long sleeves and check yourself all over when you get back.
Rifle Range Guidelines: All rifle shooting activities must be supervised by a currently NRA-certified Rifle Instructor and when on the range, must be supervised by a currently NRA-certified Range Safety Officer. Any person reserving the rifle range must provide the name and phone number of a person(s) currently certified as a NRA Certified Range Safety Officer and NRA Certified Rifle Instructor who will be responsible for running the range. It should also be noted that arrangements can be made to provide a unit with a Certified RSO's and Rifle Instructor by contacting Tony Raco at argsp@aol.com at least 1 month in advance of the proposed date. | To view the Range SOPs that must be followed for every Range Reservation, click below for the documents: - Bullowa SOP - Bullowa Rifle Range Inspection Checklist - Safety Briefing Roster - RSO Log - Bullowa Emergency Plan |
Archery Range Archery range must be run by 2 certified instructors. Any person reserving the archery range must provide the name and phone number of a person(s) currently certified and responsible for running the range. It should also be noted that arrangements can be made to provide a unit with a instructor by contacting Tony Raco at argsp@aol.com at least 1 month in advance of the proposed date. | |
Boating Kayaks and Rowboats may be reserved in advance online. Leaders must have safety afloat training to rent the boats. All boaters must wear life jackets provided by the camp. |  |
Hiking Camp Bullowa has 2 blazed hiking trails. 1 mile yellow loop around the lake and 5 mile red trail around camp. Maps are available in Dingman Lodge. |  |
Historic 77-79 Trails and Award Follow the authentic routes of two military expeditions. One is the march of the British Army in 1777 from Stony Point to the attacks on Forts Clinton and Montgomery at Bear Mountain NY. The other follows the American Army in 1779 from Bear Mountain to the Battle of Stony Point. | Click Here to download brochure for the Historic 1777 & 1779 Revolutionary Trails Award! |
Fishing - Bring your pole, bait and tackle box and cast your line in to Lake Boyce. Bass, blue gill, sunny, catfish and carp can be caught in the lake. |  |
Hudson Valley Scout Museum Schedule a tour of the Hudson Valley Councils Scout Museum while you are in camp. The museum is located in the downstairs area of the Training Center. This museum is dedicated the history of Camp Bullowa and scouting in the Hudson Valley area. | See the Camp Master in Dingman Lodge to book a tour. |
Area Attractions: West Point Military Academy - Just 10 miles north of Camp Bullowa is West Point. Take a tour of the grounds of West Point, check out the museum, watch a Army Football, Basketball or Hockey game. | West Point Website |
Fort Montgomery - Fort Montgomery was the scene of a fierce Revolutionary War battle for control of the Hudson River. Visitors today can tour the remains of the 14-acre fortification, perched on a cliff overlooking the magnificent Hudson. On October 6, 1777, British, Loyalist and Hessian forces attacked Fort Montgomery and nearby Fort Clinton. The defending American Patriots, outnumbered 3 to 1, fought desperately until driven out of their forts at the points of the enemy bayonets. More than half of the Patriot forces were killed, wounded or captured | Fort Montgomery Website |
Stony Point Battlefield - Visit the site of the Battle of Stony Point, one of the last Revolutionary War battles in the northeastern colonies. This is where Brigadier General Anthony Wayne led his corps of Continental Light Infantry in a daring midnight attack on the British, seizing the site's fortifications and taking the soldiers and camp followers at the British garrison as prisoners on July 16, 1779. | Stony Point Battlefield Website |
Bear Mountain State Park - Bear Mountain State Park is situated in rugged mountains rising from the west bank of the Hudson River. The park features a large play field, shaded picnic groves, lake and river fishing access, a swimming pool, hiking, biking and cross-country ski trails. An outdoor rink is open to ice skaters from late October through mid-March. The Perkins Memorial Tower atop Bear Mountain affords spectacular views of the park, the Hudson Highlands and Harriman State Park. Perkins Memorial Drive and Tower are open from April through late November, weather permitting. Trailside Museums and Zoo - The History Museum provides an introduction to human occupation of the region from the earliest Native American settlers to European and their descendants who made the area their home. The History Museum houses a collection of Daniel Carter Beard (1850-1941). Beard was an illustrator, author, social reformer and youth leader. He was an illustrator for authors, including Mark Twain and Ernest Crosby. Beard founded the Sons of Daniel Boone in 1905, and subsequently merged it with the Boy Scouts of America in 1910. | Bear Mountain Website |
Harriman State Park - Harriman State Park, located in Rockland and Orange counties, is the second-largest park in the parks system, with 31 lakes and reservoirs, 200 miles of hiking trails, two beaches, two public camping areas, a network of group camps, miles of streams and scenic roads, and scores of wildlife species, vistas and vantage points. Harriman State Park's major facilities include Lakes Welch, Sebago, Tiorati and Silvermine, the Anthony Wayne Recreation Area. | Harriman State Park Website |
Palisades Climb Adventure - Get ready to experience the World’s tallest indoor ropes course standing 85 feet tall. The Palisades Climb will provide adventure, thrills and excitement. Located indoors on Level 4 of the Palisades Center. The ropes course offers a year-round weather-proof challenge for families and adventurers of all ages. The course is designed with the physical fitness experience level of each participant in mind. More advanced athletes will discover a challenge while “just for fun” climbers will experience a sense of accomplishment as they navigate through the course. The course has varying design and difficulty and has a capacity for 75 guests at a time. It contains 75 different challenge elements, including a tremor bridge, tension traverse, a vertical rope ladder, a quarter cargo net, a two line rope bridge, an alternating spaghetti handline and a three line lumber rope bridge. Each element includes a different ropes configuration such as bridges, tight ropes, loops and balance beams, obstacles present challenges of strength, balance and agility. The Palisades Climb takes adventure to new heights, a thrilling experience for families to engage in physical activity while having fun! | Palisades Climb Website |