District Youth Development Committee
Chairman | James Steinberg | (845) 796-2450 | jsteinberg5@hvc.rr.com |
Eagle Board of Review Coordinator | James Steinberg | (845) 796-2450 | jsteinberg5@hvc.rr.com |
Merit Badge List Coordinator | Gillian Kaiser | (845) 856-8923 | gillianmv6@aol.com |
*** IMPORTANT - As of November 10th, 2020, all Eagle applications must be e-mailed to Ms. Donna Helt (donna.helt@scouting.org) electronically. The Hudson Valley Council Headquarters in Newburgh has been sold and the office is NOT accepting mail, so any new applications and correspondence must be done via e-mail. Please contact Mr. Jim Steinberg if you have any questions, comments or concerns. ****
Merit Badge Counselor Listing - Updated April 9th, 2020
The Merit Badge Counselor List is now available for access by unit Scoutmasters, Committee Chairs and Advancement Chairs. The document is password protected to ensure security of private and personal information. To request the password, contact James Steinberg.
Download Merit Badge Counselor Listing (PASSWORD REQUIRED)
Merit Badge Counselor Information
Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook
The Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook requires Adobe Reader 9 or later and must be opened from within Adobe Reader. This enables the user to take advantage of the enhancements of expandable text boxes and importing images. Please click here to access the Boy Scouts of America National Archive for access to download the file.
Eagle Scout Rank Credentials
The production and mailing of the Eagle Scout rank credentials have been moved to the National Distribution Center in Charlotte, North Carolina. Reprint requests for Eagle Scout credentials should now be directed to the National Distribution Center’s customer service line at 1-800-323-0732, extensions 458 or 488, or eagle.certificates@scouting.org. Questions regarding Eagle Scout rank credentials, reprints, duplicate requests, and corrections should also be directed to National Distribution Center customer service.